01. Apr 2019
XITASO research project on automated commissioning of machines and systems
XITASO, together with Augsburg University is doing research on the AIPE project (Automated Commissioning by Persisting Expert Knowledge). The objective of the research work is to achieve cost and time savings during commissioning of machines and plants.
Even in this era of digitisation and industry 4.0, it still takes a very long time to set or reset a production system in machinery and plant engineering. The commissioning of machines requires up to 25% of the entire project duration. With the aid of concepts from virtual commissioning, the static part of actual commissioning can in general be reduced to the mechanical and electrical installation. However the modelling work of virtual commissioning often means a large investment, particularly in the production of individual machines or special machines. Particularly in these cases, the automation of dynamic commissioning i.e. the fine adjustments to the machine parameters and the testing of created end products, help to reduce the duration of commissioning.
In order to develop a process for reducing the duration of commissioning, XITASO is working together with the Chair for Organic Comuting at the Faculty for Applied Informatics at Augsburg University; on a research and development project, AIPE. AIPE stands for Automated Commissioning through Persisting of Expert Knowledge and comprises of two areas. In the first area, research is carried out as to how the fine adjustments of machine parameters can be realised automatically. In order to optimise the commissioning parameters, it is necessary to fall back on knowledge acquired through machine learning processes. These comprise the effects of environmental influences and machine modelling on the quality of the workpieces. In the second area, expert knowledge must be mechanically persisted to secure the acquisition of knowledge learned through experience, despite the demographic changes. To this end, a knowledge database has been established with the aid of experts. The combination of both areas makes it possible to proactively influence the mechanical learning process with the aid of expert knowledge, and eventually to speed it up. Furthermore, through the combination of both fields, the potential arises for discovering and exploiting previously unknown interdependencies.
In order to simulate commissioning parameters, which are dependent on environmental influences as well as the workpiece types to be produced, 3-D printing is relied upon as an example process for complex machines in the AIPE Project. Weather and environmental influences can also be simulated on account of the very open construction on very sensitive 3-D printers.
You can discover more about AIPE at the Hannover Messe (Trade Fair)
Richard Nordsieck, Software Developer and one of the AIPE employees at XITASO will introduce the concept and objective of the project at the Hannover Messe. Take the chance and experience more about the AIPE research project during the “Additive4Industry Innovation Session” on April 03, 2019 at 3 pm in the Dutch Industrial Supply Pavillon in Hall 4, Stand D42 of the exhibition centre in Hannover.
The Federal Ministry for Economics and Technology (BMWi) is financially supporting the FuE-Project for the project duration of two years within the frame of the support program, SME Central Innovation Program (ZIM).