29. Jul 2022
XITASO is once again an award winner of BAYERNS BEST 50
Augsburg, July 29th, 2022 – After 2018, XITASO is once again the winner of the BAYERNS BEST 50 competition. Last Tuesday, Martin Huggenberger and Dr Michael Schackert, both managing directors of XITASO GmbH, were able to accept the prize from Hubert Aiwanger, Bavarian State Minister for Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy, at an awards ceremony at Schloss Schleißheim.
For the 21st time, the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs honours outstanding medium-sized companies that have proven to have particularly strong growth in recent years with the BAYERNS BEST 50 award. The prize is awarded to the 50 fastest-growing companies that have been able to increase their number of employees and turnover at an above-average rate.
This year’s winners of the “BAYERNS BEST 50” competition once again include the high-end software engineering service provider XITASO, which supports its customers in all facets of digital transformation with innovative approaches and solutions.
“It fills me with great pride to hold the Bavarian porcelain lion in my hands for the second time,” Martin Huggenberger, Managing Director and CFO of XITASO, is pleased about the award: “The fact that we have been able to continue our steady growth in recent years is thanks to the full commitment of all our employees. That is why this award is due to all XITASOnians.”
As an owner-managed medium-sized company, XITASO can look back on steady growth since its foundation. What began in 2011 is now a company with over 170 employees at 7 locations across Germany and many renowned customer references. In addition to the Bavarian locations in Augsburg, Ingolstadt, Krumbach and Erlangen, locations in Leipzig, Münster and Berlin have also been added in a very short time. Madrid is currently the first foreign location to open.
As a digitisation partner and expert for high-end software engineering, XITASO supports B2B customers in an advisory capacity, identifies digitisation potential, optimises business processes and creates digital strategies and solutions. The company is characterised by an agile mindset with proven expertise in the areas of Industry 4.0, Internet of Things (IoT), Digital Twin, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality. The focus is on making complex systems easy and intuitive to use.
With a focus on excellent solutions for the challenges of digital change, XITASO serves customers throughout Germany from various industries, in particular from mechanical and equipment engineering as well as the healthcare sector. With a steady growth to a good 170 employees since its founding in 2011, the company has office locations in Augsburg, Berlin, Erlangen, Ingolstadt, Krumbach, Leipzig, Münster and Madrid.
Picture above from left to right: Bavarian Minister of State for Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy Hubert Aiwanger, XITASO Managing Directors Martin Huggenberger and Dr Michael Schackert, juror Stefan Schmal (Photo: Studio SX Heuser)