We support you on your path to a Smart Factory

Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 is a great opportunity to tap into new business fields, increase production efficiency and better support and retain customers in the long term. The basic idea behind it is the comprehensive networking of the entire value chain. The optimization of production processes often plays a central role. Trendsetting technological concepts such as the digital twin are used, which we not only implement productively, but which we are also committed to further developing and standardizing.

You are an expert in your domain. We are experts in high-end software engineering. We bundle these strengths so that we not only optimize your production with tailor-made software solutions, but also enable your machines to be smart. You can ensure your success in the future with this digital added value. Thanks to our many years of experience, we speak your language and know the challenges of the industry.

Industrial Digital Twin – the Digital Twin

The digital twin is central to Industry 4.0. It is a digital data image of an asset, for example a product with many of its properties. A concrete application is, for example, the digital name plate, with which you get quick access to a variety of product-related information via a QR code, such as master data, current operating data or specific documentation. We are convinced that for efficient networking in a smart production environment, an overarching and industry-neutral standard is necessary, which we see in the administration shell (or asset administration shell AAS). In order to further develop this standard, we are involved with the IDTA (Industrial Digital Twin Association).

Benefits of the digital twin

  • Efficient production through digital processes
  • Better organisation of information and faster access
  • Cost and time savings e.g. through avoidance of printed documentation
  • Quick integration in the OT and IT landscape for you and your customers
  • Breaking open of data bunkers and data being made available using standardized formats

What we offer you

  • Workshop formats for implementing the digital twin in your production environment
  • Implementation of the digital twin, for example a digital name plate for products or product groups
  • Devlopment of a long-term strategy towards successful implementation
  • Conception and implementation of technical architectures

Smart Factory

Digital technologies are developing faster than ever. This opens up a wide range of opportunities to use innovative solutions in the production environment and to transform them into added value for your business. What counts for you is high levels of productivity and first-class quality. This is exactly where we support you, for example, in the development of intelligent machine controls for your equipment and the optimization of your production processes. Your systems become smart when they are able to collect data and interpret it autonomously through their complete networking.

Benefits on the path to a Smart Factory

  • Flexibilits up to batch sizes as small as 1
  • Generation of business value
  • Optimization of production processes

What we offer you

  • Various workshop formats to identify the potential in your company
  • Rapid implementation of the first steps towards Smart Factory
  • High-end software engineering and long-term support

OEE Dashboard

How can a well-functioning production landscape be further optimized? There are now a plethora of opportunities, thanks to digitization and further technical development.  Systems not only produce, but also provide a variety of information that must be interpreted properly. Key figures of Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), such as waste or runtime, help to get an overview of the entire production process or cross-plant alarm and maintenance management.

What the OEE Dashboard provides you

  • Indicators of effectiveness, utilization and quality
  • Building block for the Industry 4.0 strategy
  • Visualization of measures of continuous improvement
OEE Dashboard Industrie 4.0

What we offer you

  • Increase the productivity of your factory in just two days: Our starter package for the quickest introduction to live OEE reporting.
    Start here

Data Science: Daten generieren und nutzbringend interpretieren

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Mehrwerte für Ihr Geschäft

  • Kostenersparnis und Effizienzsteigerung
  • Vermeidung von ungeplanten Stillständen
  • Qualitätssteigerung

How can we support you in your Industry 4.0 initiatives? Contact us if you are interested in an exchange on the topics of digital twin, smart factory or OEE dashboard.

Dr. Alwin Hoffmann

Tel. +49 821 885882-231