XITASO opens a location in Ingolstadt

XITASO opened a location in Ingolstadt on July 01, 2019. A small team of Product Owners and Software Developers are starting with immediate effect in a Co-Working-Space located in the GVZ area, in the north of Ingolstadt.

XITASO is starting with a small office in the Live’n’Work Hotel und CoWorking-Space im GVZ with four workplaces and will now support their customers from this location, aditionally.

Alongside its Headquarters spread over two locations in Augsburg and a further location in Magdeburg, XITASO is now represented in three cities and is supporting its customers in all aspects of digitisation.
XITASO plans, designs and develops digital solutions for products and processes. Our services go hand in hand with the Software life cycle: from the Innovation Phase via Requirements Engineering, the Software Engineering right up to Sales and Maintenance.

Technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, Service Oriented Architectures or Augmented Reality are the basis for our solutions.

We focus on having collaborative, self-organised working methods characterised by our agile mindset. This is how we provide space in which people can develop in the best possible way.

Your contact person in Ingolstadt

Product Owner with vast experience in complex Software projects