News & Insights

Company news and our online magazine with topics related to software development and technology

In software development, agile processes and methods are already commonplace for many. But also in other industries, the iterative and incremental approach makes sense and even in everyday life you sometimes come across situations in which the agile approach helps. This is how Christoph Geiser,......

Interoperability is a pillar of the mission statement for Industry 4.0 in addition to sovereignty and sustainability, and it is precisely in this field of action that standards and integration are at stake. Especially for our customers in mechanical and plant engineering, integration is a......

In collaborations between development and design, two disciplines of different perspectives collide. UI/UX expert Sina Busch and software developer Dr. Axel Habermaier, demonstrate how a common language can be found with the aid of the DevUX mindset, and report on their experiences of practical implementation....

UI/UX stands for user interface and user experience and is one of the core competences at XITASO. UI/UX makes operation of the software easy and thus ensures satisfied users and a successful company. In this article, our UI/UX expert Simon Engelmann reveals the challenges that......

OObjectives and Key Results (OKRs) are a method we introduced at XITASO at the end of 2019. Having tried out the framework for a good year now, we are taking stock. Baptiste Grand, agile coach at XITASO shows how and why OKRs work well for......

The new version of the Scrum Guide was released on November 18th, 2020, and it contained substantial changes when compared with the previous adjustments. Baptiste Grand, agile coach, reports on what these changes are and how they have impacted the daily work routines at XITASO....

In light of the current situation, we put the tools we use every day to the test and evaluate their suitability for everyday use in the home office. User stories are a central element of Scrum. In the following article we would like to demonstrate......